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AIPLA Large Scale Meeting On Site & Virtual

Project Overview:
AIPLA is an innovator, powerful advocate, and visible​ global leader in intellectual property law through their commitment to education, outreach, member service, and advocacy. They host 3 large scale national meetings per year in cities across the country. I was tasked with the visual presentation from logo concept through meeting materials and onsite booth graphics and signage.
Sample Creative
Booth Graphics
Meeting Program Materials
Pre-Meeting Advertising
Program at a Glance
Meeting APP Screens
Name Badges

Because there are so many moving parts to each meeting cycle, time management and flexibility require maintaining a clear, calm approach and and ability to go with the flow to get things done on a moments notice.

  • Concept creative based on theme, location and client input for each event
  • Calendar of deliverables and deadlines to ensure each piece is on target for delivery as the meeting date approaches
  • Creation of all meeting materials, back and forth with client and final prep for printer or other vendors
  • Vendor contact to attend to last minute edits on blue lines etc.
  • Updates to all online materials as events and speakers change
  • On call for any materials that come up that were not on the initial schedule up until the day of event

A professional, cohesive visual atmosphere giving each meeting its own identity and creative experience, while maintaining the overall vibe of AIPLA.